Bridging the Gap: Empowering OT Data Users with Purpose-Built Solutions

In the realm of industrial enterprises, a significant divide exists between IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) data users. While IT professionals have long been leveraging the power of AI for advanced analytics and decision-making, OT data users—those who deal with the physical processes and machinery—have often been left behind. This gap has impeded the full potential of AI in the industrial sector. However, MONET, a purpose- built AI-driven data analysis tool from Canvass AI, bridges this gap and empowers OT data users to harness the full power of AI for decision and problem-solving.

The Current State of OT Data Users

  1. Underutilized Potential: OT data users, including process engineers, reliability and maintenance engineers, and production engineers, are often inundated with vast amounts of data generated by sensors, equipment, and industrial processes. Despite the wealth of data at their disposal, the tools available to these professionals for data analysis are limited, outdated, or too complex, preventing them from making the most of the data.
  2. Lack of AI Integration: While IT departments in industrial enterprises have made significant strides in integrating AI for various applications, the OT side has lagged. The tools used by OT data users rarely incorporate AI capabilities, leaving these professionals to rely on traditional methods and manual analysis, which are time-consuming and prone to error.
  3. Complexity and Accessibility: Existing AI tools often require extensive data preparation, cleaning, and categorization, which are skills typically found in IT rather than OT. This complexity creates a barrier for OT data users who may not have the time or expertise to prepare their data for AI-driven analysis.

MONET: A Game-Changer for OT Data Users

Recognizing these challenges, Canvass AI developed MONET to specifically address the needs of OT data users in industrial enterprises. Here’s how MONET is changing the game:

  1. User-Friendly AI for OT Professionals: MONET is designed to be intuitive and accessible, enabling OT data users to interact with their data through simple text prompts. This ease of use means that engineers and technicians can quickly generate visual insights without needing specialized data science skills.
  2. No Data Preparation Needed: One of MONET’s standout features is its ability to work with raw data directly. This zero-prep approach eliminates the need for extensive data cleaning and preparation, allowing OT professionals to dive straight into analysis and decision-making.
  3. Advanced AI for Complex Data: MONET excels in processing the complex, noisy data typical of industrial environments. Its advanced AI algorithms can identify patterns and correlations across multiple variables over time, providing actionable insights that are crucial for optimizing processes and predicting maintenance needs.
  4. Empowering Decision-Making: By simplifying data interaction and analysis, MONET empowers OT data users to make faster, data-driven decisions. This capability is vital for addressing operational challenges, improving efficiency, and reducing downtime.
  5. Risk-Free Adoption: Understanding the reservations about data security and integration, MONET provides sample data sets for risk-free trials. Moreover, it does not require any application download, making it easy for users to start experiencing the benefits immediately.

The Impact of Bridging the IT-OT Divide

Empowering OT data users with tools like MONET not only enhances their capabilities but also leads to more integrated and efficient industrial operations. When OT professionals can leverage AI to its full potential, the entire enterprise benefits from improved decision-making, optimized processes, and increased competitiveness.

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: Bridging the IT-OT divide fosters better collaboration between departments. OT professionals can now speak the same data-driven language as their IT counterparts, leading to more cohesive and informed decision-making processes.
  2. Accelerated Digital Transformation: As OT data users become more comfortable and proficient with AI tools like MONET, the pace of digital transformation within industrial enterprises accelerates. This transformation is crucial for staying competitive in an increasingly data-driven world.
  3. Innovation and Efficiency: Enabling OT professionals to harness the power of AI drives innovation and operational efficiency. From predictive maintenance to process optimization, the possibilities are vast and transformative.


The industrial sector stands at the cusp of a new era where the full potential of AI can be realized across both IT and OT domains. MONET, from Canvass AI, is at the forefront of this revolution, offering a purpose-built solution that empowers OT data users to leverage AI for advanced decision-making and problem-solving. By bridging the gap between IT and OT, MONET is not just a tool but a catalyst for innovation and efficiency in industrial enterprises. Explore how MONET can transform your data analysis processes and help you stay ahead in the industrial sector. Start your free trial today and be part of the future of industrial data analysis.