Canvass AI Hack Week 2023

2 min

Last week marked the 6th Canvass AI Hack Week, where this year 8 teams competed to develop the next amazing product feature. As in previous Hack Weeks, which brought to fruition some of the interactive AI features in the latest Canvass AI software, this year’s entrants left the judges agog.

To judge the projects, this year we invited a partner from Canvass AI’s Product Council to join Humera and Dinu in judging which presentation merited the Best of Show, and the overall winner, whose team gets bragging rights (and Amazon gift cards)!

While we can’t disclose what was presented for obvious industry/trade secrets reasons, we can say this past week was full of energy and excitement.

Judge 1, Humera Malik said: “Again, the entries this year deserve to become part of the Canvass AI software, and I expect they will be in due course.”

Judge 2, Mark Fronek, Manager, Digital Solutions at Becht said: “I was impressed by the level of thought and detail behind all the presentations, defining key benefits for customers, as well as the business considerations of time and resources on Canvass AI to realize their projects.”

Judge 3, Dinu Ajikutira, Product & Marketing Consultant at Canvass AI, said: “It was like watching Shark Tank. It was fun, exciting, and full of impressive ideas. I was truly amazed by what the Canvass AI developers came up with and could demonstrate in the short amount of time they had.”

There was also a “People’s Choice” winner, which is not a feature of the Canvass AI product, but a Slack-enabled LunchBot that automatically polls the people in the office ahead for their lunch preferences, then organizes the order so no one is missed.

That project is already implemented.