Haverly Systems' Refining User's Conference EU - MUGI 2024 Geneva

Dinu Ajikutira at MUGI 2024 Geneva

Haverly Systems is pleased to announce that Geneva, Switzerland will be the location for MUGI 2024 conference. MUGI is Haverly Systems' annual European Refining Conference & Courses. The event will offer papers presented by experts in the fields of energy policy and strategy, refinery optimization and planning, crude oil quality and assay management, crude oil evaluation, and refinery scheduling and blending. Technical papers are presented by experienced users, consultants and Haverly staff. The presentations cover new methods and developments, practical solutions to common problems, and insightful discussions on industry issues of interest to all.

Dates: April 21 2024 | Sunday to April 24 2024 | Wednesday

Venue: Warwick Geneva Hotel, 14, rue de Lausanne, Geneva, 1201

Dinu Ajikutira, AI Industry Lead from Canvass AI will be speaking at the conference about Increasing Refinery Revenue by Predicting Octane Blending Targets with Industrial AI.

Presentation Summary: Industrial AI is revolutionizing the operations of modern refineries. It automates data analyses and processes to solve problems and enable engineers to concentrate their efforts, save time, and provide better solutions to operational challenges. In addition, AI models can be deployed for real-time guidance and control in areas where Advanced Process Control (APC) is not or cannot be used today. These AI models work in conjunction with existing simulation and APC technologies, as well as existing engineering and operator workflows, to achieve optimal outcomes.

A unique application of industrial AI is demonstrated by a large North American refinery, where AI is being used to accurately predict the increase in octane levels resulting from ethanol blending at distribution points, as well as the final octane number from blender outlets. By using these predictions to set octane targets, blending operators were able to fine-tune their blending “recipes” to produce gasoline octane levels with more precision, reducing “octane giveaway”. This optimization results in greater refinery profits.

Looking ahead, industrial AI is being used to balance unit operations and predict margins at refineries, and its application to improve planning is seen as the next frontier. Several potential planning applications are currently being explored. Industrial AI is not only enhancing current refinery operations but also paving the way for future advancements.

Don't forget to register here - https://web.cvent.com/event/0991007b-3523-4c8d-a3b5-02faefdbeed9/summary